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Article: Minerals for a good sleep

Mineralstoffe für einen guten Schlaf
6 min

Minerals for a good sleep

Minerals are involved in almost all biological processes in our body and can also have a decisive influence on our sleep. We explain here why the right mineral supply can improve sleep and which macro and trace elements are particularly important for a restful night.

Table of contents

  1. What are minerals?
  2. Minerals & Sleep
  3. These minerals harm sleep
  4. The 4 most important minerals for a good sleep
    1. magnesium
    2. potassium
    3. iron
    4. zinc
  5. Does it make sense to supplement your diet with minerals?
  6. Conclusion

1. What are minerals?

Minerals are vital nutrients that are essential for our health and performance and fulfil numerous important functions in our body. Minerals are involved in almost all energy and metabolic processes and contribute, among other things, to controlling muscle and nerve functions or regulating a healthy water and electrolyte balance. They are also essential for building and maintaining healthy body structures (e.g. bones, muscles, teeth) and enzymes, hormones or blood cells and also play an important role in brain function, our Heart and that immune systemIn order for us to remain healthy and productive and for all biological processes in our body to run smoothly, an adequate supply of minerals is of great importance.

Minerals are divided into two groups based on the amount in which they are needed in the body: major and trace elements. Major elements (also known as macrominerals) occur in a higher concentration of around 50 mg per 1 kilogram of body weight and are also known as electrolytes due to their involvement in regulating water balance. Trace elements (also known as microminerals), on the other hand, occur in smaller amounts of less than 50 mg/kg.

set elements: Calcium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus

trace elements: Chromium, iron, fluorine, iodine, copper, manganese, selenium, zinc

Unlike many vitamins Minerals cannot be produced by the body itself and must be supplied entirely through daily food. With a healthy and balanced Nutrition Our body usually receives a sufficiently high amount of minerals. However, under stress, lack of sleep or as a result of health problems, the daily requirement can increase and it can be useful to take minerals in the form of a dietary supplement so that the body has the optimal amount of the important substances available.

2. Mineral deficiency

Even an acute mineral deficiency has a significant impact on our health and daily well-being. Typical and immediately noticeable deficiency symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite, the occurrence of cramps or Muscle and bone pain, hair loss, difficulty concentrating or a weakened immune system. But serious cardiovascular diseases as well as the development of anemia or osteoporosis can also be linked to a mineral deficiency. Deficiencies in calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine or zinc are particularly common.

3. Minerals & Sleep

Especially at night, our body depends on a good supply of nutrients so that sleep and the associated regeneration processes are not disturbed during the night and we can recover optimally.Some minerals are involved in precisely those body functions that regulate our sleeping behavior, our sleep-wake rhythm and the quality of our sleep. A deficiency or undersupply of certain macro or trace elements can therefore have a negative impact on falling asleep, the quality and duration of sleep and can lead to the development of sleep disorders A lack of sleep or poor sleep quality that occurs in this way increases the daily nutrient requirement and counteracts an already existing mineral deficiency.

4. The 4 most important minerals for a good sleep

smartsleep Schlafmagazin Junger Mann liegt entspannt und erholt im Bett und schläft

Since an all-round healthy organism forms a good basis for restful sleep, you should of course ensure an overall balanced diet If you want to improve your sleep, you can make sure you get enough minerals, especially in the evening, and vitamins and certain amino acids This way, the body has a sufficient amount of the important nutrients available during the night, which it can use to maintain our health and ensure a restful sleep. You will now find out which minerals improve sleep and are particularly important for a restful night.

#1 Magnesium

Magnesium plays a central role in energy production, metabolism and the function of muscle and nerve cells. It supports the relaxation of muscles and body cells, reduces the strain on the nervous system and helps to protect us from restlessness, nervousness or inner tension. Magnesium also enables a healthy production of the sleep hormone melatonin, so that we can easily fall asleep in the evening and develop a regular sleep-wake rhythm. This was also shown in various studies in which taking magnesium not only increased the melatonin level, but also noticeably improved the quality and length of sleep. The mineral has an overall sleep-promoting effect, counteracts stress and enables you to fall asleep and sleep through the night in a relaxed manner. You can find more information about the mineral magnesium in this article.

smartsleep Schlafmagazin Melatonin Serotonin Synthese unter Einfluss von Mineralstoffen Magnesium Zink und Vitaminen

Important functions: energy metabolism, muscle & nerve function, bone formation & maintenance

Symptoms of a deficiency: Muscle and performance weakness, reduced stress resistance, nervousness, cardiovascular problems (e.g. high blood pressure, circulatory disorders)

Occurrence in food: Green vegetables, pumpkin seeds, millet or wholemeal bread and pasta, milk, meat

#2 Potassium

Potassium can help to minimize physical stress and tension and prepare the body for restful sleep. Potassium controls heart function and blood pressure and contributes to the normal function of nerve and muscle cells. Various studies have shown that an optimized potassium supply can effectively reduce blood pressure and the risk of stroke and alleviate the nervousness and headaches that result from this. cardiovascular system positively influenced, stress minimized and restful sleep promoted.

Important functions: blood pressure, function of nerves & cells, fluid balance

Symptoms of a deficiency: Muscle weakness, fatigue, headaches, cramps, mood swings, unhealthy blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias

Occurrence in food: Bananas, fruit, dried fruit, mushrooms, potatoes, legumes

#3 Iron

An undersupply of iron is one of the most common mineral deficiencies and also stands in the way of a good night's sleep. The trace element is an important component of the blood and essential for the transport and storage of oxygen in our body. If there is a lack of iron, organs, muscles and cells are no longer supplied with oxygen optimally, which slows down cell work and makes almost all bodily functions more difficult. A sufficient iron concentration, on the other hand, means that our body and brain are optimally supplied with oxygen and other nutrients via the blood, especially during sleep, and that regenerative processes can run smoothly. Iron also plays an important role in hormone production and has been successfully used in various studies to improve the basic requirements for healthy sleep. serotonin-melatonin synthesis to influence positively.

Important functions: blood and hormone formation, transport & storage of oxygen

Symptoms of a deficiency: Anemia and fatigue, paleness, weakness, difficulty concentrating and performance

Occurrence in food: Meat, cabbage, nuts, whole grains, beans and peas, spinach

#4 Zinc

The trace element zinc is involved in important metabolic processes, the function of numerous enzymes and the formation of our DNA and has a positive effect on the immune system. Due to its important role in hormone and enzyme formation, some studies have shown a connection between zinc deficiency and sleep disorders. A zinc deficiency leads to reduced hormone production and a falling level of the neurotransmitters serotonin & melatoninA sufficient zinc concentration, on the other hand, ensures a balanced hormone level and can thus promote a healthy sleep rhythm.

Important functions: cell metabolism, enzyme & hormone production, growth, immune system

Symptoms of a deficiency: Dry skin, hair loss, metabolic disorders, weakened immune system, fatigue

Occurrence in food: Beef, nuts and whole grain cheese and eggs

5. Does it make sense to supplement your diet with minerals?

smartsleep Schlafmagazin Frau nimmt Tablette mit Mineralstoff als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für einen besseren Schlaf

Minerals are crucial for healthy body function and contribute significantly to our health and well-being. When we are in good health, under "normal" everyday conditions and with the help of a balanced diet, we can usually provide the body with all the important nutrients in sufficient quantities. However, if we neglect our daily diet, or if we are under physical or psychological stress, stress It is not always easy to ensure an optimal mineral supply. In these cases, taking additional dietary supplements can make a decisive contribution to staying healthy and productive. Our sleep also benefits from this, so that we can regenerate optimally at night and start the new day refreshed and healthy.

Unlike vitamin supplements, when taking minerals it is particularly important to pay attention to the correct dosage. This is because not only a deficiency, but also an excess of one or more mineral elements and an overall imbalance of the various substances can have harmful effects on health. Taking additional minerals is therefore often only recommended if there is a proven deficiency. The best thing to do is to get advice from your GP.

6. Conclusion

  • Minerals are vital nutrients that are involved in countless bodily processes and are essential for the healthy functioning of body and mind.
  • A mineral deficiency is detrimental to health and affects not only daily performance but also sleep.
  • In particular, the macroelements magnesium and potassium as well as the trace elements iron and zinc can have a positive effect on sleep and promote sleep quality.
  • An adequate supply of minerals can usually be ensured through a balanced diet and effectively supported with the help of controlled nutritional supplements.

Best regards and see you soon!

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