Hopfen für einen erholsamen Schlaf

Hops for a restful sleep

Hops are not only a main ingredient in beer, but also a natural remedy for restlessness, stress and sleep disorders. Here we explain exactly how ho...

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Koffein - Eigenschaften und Wirkung auf Psyche, Körper und Schlaf im Überblick

The stimulant caffeine

The stimulant caffeine is a well-known remedy for fatigue and concentration problems. You can find out here what effect caffeine has on our body, h...

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Aminosäuren gegen Schlafstörungen: Tryptophan, Arginin, Glycin für guten Schlaf

Amino acids and sleep

As the basic building blocks of proteins, amino acids are involved in almost all biological processes in our body and can also have a decisive infl...

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Mineralstoff Magnesium

The mineral magnesium

The mineral magnesium is vital and crucial for healthy body function, efficient everyday life and restful sleep! You can find out here how magnesiu...

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