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Offer19,99 €



smartsleep Härtegrad für Kopfkissen, Kinderkissen, Mittelweich, Medium


smartsleep Schlaftyp für Kopfkissen, Kinderkissen, Seitenlage, Seitenschläfer


smartsleep Schlaftyp für Kopfkissen, Kinderkissen, Rücken- und Seitenlage, Rückenschläfer


smartsleep Größe für Kopfkissen, Kinderkissen, Medium, Mittelgroß

Mittlere Größe

smart® Recovery Pillow Case, weicher Kissenbezug aus Baumwolle passgenau für das ergonomische Kopfkissen smart® Recovery Pillow in der Farbe Dunkelblau
smart® RECOVERY PILLOW CASE Offer19,99 €

The innovative pillow for a good sleep


A comfortable lying position supports relaxed sleep and protects the body from the negative consequences of unhealthy sleeping. The ® RECOVERY PILLOW was developed by sleep researchers and health experts especially for side and back sleepers. Due to the ergonomic shape and the head tissue, the neck and cervical spine (cervical spine) are optimally supported and pressure points reduce to enable maximum comfort and good sleep.

German Innovation Award Winner 2021 und als ergonomisches Produkt zertifiziert durch das Institut für Gesundheit und Ergonomie.

Excellent design

Innovation & quality

The smart® RECOVERY PILLOW was awarded the German Innovation Award and successfully checked its ergonomic properties by the Institute for Health and Ergonomics (IGR) . The combination of innovative materials and the special shape design make the the perfect pillow for good sleep.

Ergonomisches Design für eine gesunde Schlafhaltung in unterschiedlichen Schlafpositionen

Ergonomic design for an optimal sleeping position

The ® was developed by sleep researchers and health experts especially for side and back sleepers. The ergonomic form with integrated head cushion and differently shaped pillow sides supports healthy sleeping position and allows a relaxing sleep in different sleeping positions.

This distinguishes our pillows

Innovative materials and ergonomic designs

Outer view

Interior view

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Recovery Pillow

Our bestseller

Glückliche Frau im Bett mit einem smart® Recovery Pillow in passgenauem Wechselbezug smart® Recovery Pillow Case in der Farbe Rose

Ergonomic and super comfortable

Experience a new feeling of sleep and test the smart recovery Pillow

without obligation
Kissen für Zuhause, unterwegs und auf Reisen im Hotel, Auto, Flugzeug und der Bahn

BAG included

The ideal pillow for home & on the go

Colored pillowcases

Passgenaue farbige Kissenbezüge aus Baumwolle für maximalen Schlafkomfort


With our precisely colored colored pillow covers, the smart® RECOVERY PILLOW fits perfectly into every sleeping environment. Made from 100% cotton for maximum comfort and a gentle sleep.