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Article: The perfect sleep hygiene

Die perfekte Schlafhygiene
2 min

The perfect sleep hygiene

Our sleep is one of the most important foundations for our well-being and health every day. proper sleep hygiene you can support your body sleep better and to regenerate optimally at nightHere you can find out how you can improve your sleep in the long term and what constitutes good sleep hygiene.

Table of contents

      1. Proper sleep hygiene
      2. building blocks of good sleep hygiene
        1. The ideal sleeping environment
        2. The optimal sleep routine
        3. The right diet in the evening
        4. relaxation
        5. Activity & Movement in Everyday Life
      3. Conclusion

      1. Proper sleep hygiene

      Sleep is essential for us and rightly plays an important role because it is the central regeneration period for our body and especially for our brain.

      During sleep, energy reserves are replenished, growth hormones are released, cells are repaired and renewed, the immune system is strengthened and much more. But even though we spend so much of our lives sleeping, it is not always easy to wake up in the morning feeling truly rested and refreshed. Restful sleep is extremely important so that the numerous essential regeneration processes run optimally night after night and we can gather enough energy for the next day. The duration and quality of our nightly rest phase are particularly important for a "really good sleep" and a healthy, productive everyday life.

      2. Building blocks of good sleep hygiene

      Sleep hygiene refers to the interaction of various rules and methods to make sleep more restful and improve its quality in the long term. Perfect sleep hygiene includes 5 crucial components.

      5 Bausteine der perfekten Schlafhygiene

      #1 The ideal sleeping environment

      Bausteine der guten Schlafhygiene: Die richtige SchlafumgebungWhere and under what conditions we sleep at night has a decisive influence on the quality of our sleep. Unfamiliar and external circumstances in particular can encourage sleep disorders and lead to us waking up again and again during the night or not being able to get a restful sleep at all.

      To the article The ideal sleeping environment

      #2 The optimal sleep routineBausteine der guten Schlafhygiene: Die gute Schlafroutine

      Humans are creatures of habit and adapt to a certain rhythm when it comes to sleep. The right sleep routine can make it easier to fall asleep and help promote restful sleep in the long term.

      To the article The perfect sleep routine

      #3 The right diet in the evening

      Bausteine der guten Schlafhygiene: Die richtige Ernährung am Abend

      How, what and when we eat has a major impact on our sleeping habits. The wrong eating habits and certain nutrients not only make it difficult to fall asleep relaxed, but also to sleep through the night. The right diet, on the other hand, can have a positive effect on your sleep.

      Learn more: Nutrition & Sleep

      #4 Relaxation

      Bausteine der guten Schlafhygiene: Entspannung vor dem Schlafen

      Stress and a lack of relaxation before going to bed mean that sleep and the urgently needed regeneration are disrupted and the body cannot recover sufficiently. Switching off and relaxing before going to bed is therefore an important prerequisite for a peaceful sleep. Targeted relaxation also helps you fall asleep and prepares you optimally for regeneration.

      Learn more: Relaxation before sleep

      #5 Activity and movement in everyday life

      Bausteine der guten Schlafhygiene: Bewegung, Sport & Aktivität im Alltag

      Sleep promotes regeneration and athletic performance, while regular exercise can improve sleep quality and the ability to fall asleep. Regular activity and sufficient exercise are therefore important factors for restful sleep.

      Learn more: Sport & Sleep

      3. Conclusion

      With the right sleep hygiene, you can help your body to regenerate optimally at night and prevent sleep disorders such as problems falling asleep and staying asleep. After all, good sleep does not just happen by chance and is one of the most important foundations for our well-being and health every day.

      Attention! Every person is different - that's why it's important that you adapt your sleep hygiene to your own needs in order to get the most out of your night. In order to have a lasting positive effect on your sleep, it is of course advisable to deal with the rules of good sleep hygiene in the long term and, ideally, to integrate them into your everyday life in the long term.

      Best regards and see you soon!

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