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Stört der Vollmond den Schlaf?

The full moon disturbs the sleep ?

Stört der Vollmond den Schlaf?
4 min

The full moon disturbs the sleep ?

Insomnia and sleep disorders during a full moon are a widespread phenomenon. But what is really behind the myth of “moon sensitivity” and do the phases of the moon really have an influence on our s...

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Das Herz & der Schlaf
5 min

The heart & sleep

The heart is the engine of our body and ensures that we are healthy and efficient day after day. When we sleep, our cardiovascular system also rests. But what happens to our heart when we sleep too...

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smartsleep Schlafmagazin Gut Schlafen trotz Erkältung, Corona, Infekt
5 min

Sleep with a cold

Sleep is the best medicine - but sleeping well when you have a fever, a cold or a strong cough is not that easy. Find out here how you can sleep well despite an acute cold and support your immune s...

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Gut gelaunte Frau springt vor Freude und Glück über dem Bett
6 min

The happiness hormone serotonin

Serotonin is known for its positive effect on mood and sleep. But what role does the happiness hormone really play in our psyche and health? Here you can find out everything you need to know about ...

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Schlafen Frauen anders als Männer?
5 min

Women sleep differently than men ?

Common clichés say that men simply sleep deeply and soundly, while women not only get up earlier but also wake up constantly during the night - but is that true? We explain to you how our gender is...

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Narkolepsie – Der Mythos Schlafsucht
4 min

Narcolepsy - the myth of sleeping addiction

Addicted to sleep - is that possible? Narcolepsy is a neurological dysfunction and leads to extreme daytime tiredness, sudden bouts of sleep or unwanted muscle relaxation. Find out here what exactl...

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Wie funktioniert der Winterschlaf?
4 min

How does the hibernation ? work

In the cold, dark season, many people suffer from tiredness, lack of motivation and sleep disorders. But why don't people actually hibernate? Here you can find out how the famous hibernation ac...

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