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Offer19,99 €



Dunkelblauer Kissenbezug aus Baumwolle passgenau für das ergonomische Kopfkissen smart® Relaxing+ Pillow
smart® RELAXING+ PILLOW CASE Offer19,99 €

The flat pillow for belly sleepers

® +

The ® + our popular pillow for belly sleepers.
Due to the low level of support, the flat pillow enables an ergonomic sleeping position in the prone position.

Großes flaches Entspannungs Kissen aus Memory Schaum mit niedriger Höhe für Bauchschläfer mit niedriger Höhe für die Entlastung der Wirbelsäule in Bauchlage und erholsamen Schlaf.

Sleep well. Feel good.

The pillow for belly sleepers

Abdominal sleepers need a flat pillow to support the natural alignment of the spine and avoid neck tension. A thick pillow would raise the head unnatural, which leads to an overstretching of the neck. The ® RELAXING+ PILLOW therefore promotes a relaxed sleeping position for abdominal sleepers.

smartsleep smart RELAXING PILLOW Großes Bauchschläfer Kissen zur Entspannung aus CosyPur Schaumstoff, OEKO-TEX geprüft

Quality that convinces

Innovation & quality

The smart® + is made of high -quality materials. The quality memory foam core (Cosypur® from BASF) enables optimal pressure distribution and air circulation. This creates a pleasantly cool microclimate. Hitzestau and transpiration are prevented.