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Find your perfect pillow

Your properties at a glance

smartsleep Kissenberater Schlafposition: Rücken, Seite, Bauch

Sleeping position

Are you a back, side or stomach sleeper?

The position you take when sleeping at night determines your posture
your head and places different demands on the ergonomics, shape or hardness of the pillow.

smartsleep Kissenberater Schulterbreite: Schmal, Mittelbreit, Breit


Do you have narrow, medium or broad shoulders?

The width of the shoulders can place different demands on the height, size or firmness of the pillow, especially when lying on your side.

smartsleep Kissenberater Matratze: Weich, Mittel, Hart

Sleeping conditions

Which mattress do you sleep on?

The firmness of your mattress determines how much your body sinks into it. How soft or hard it is can influence the right pillow height.

Cushion properties at a glance

smartsleep Kissenberater Kissengröße: S, M, L, XL

Pillow size

You can decide whether you want a smaller or larger support surface and how much space the pillow should take up in your bed.

smartsleep Kissenberater Kissenhöhe: Niedrig, Hoch

Pillow height

Your pillow should be high enough so that your spine is not bent up or down. To get an idea, you can use a simple measuring method that we explain in the sleep magazine.

Determine cushion height now
smartsleep Kissenberater Härtgrad: Weich, Medium, Hart


If you want to sink deep into your pillow or it may offer a little more support ? Your personal feeling decides whether your perfect pillow is rather soft and compliant or solid and strong - ie soft, medium or hard ?