Seminar: Sleep better through the right diet

229,99 €

Sleep is closely related to our diet. This seminar is suitable for anyone who would like to better understand the connections between sleep and nutritional behavior and would like to incorporate the findings into their everyday life or into coaching. The focus is on the development of individual (sleep coaching) strategies that promote health through optimized nutrition and a balanced metabolism.

There are currently 2 seminar dates scheduled for 2024.

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Sleep better through the right diet

1. Basics of nutrition and metabolism
  • Understanding the role of nutrients and their influence on metabolism
  • Relationships between eating habits and sleep quality
2. Sleep and hormone regulation
  • Effects of sleep on hormones that influence metabolism
  • Optimization of sleeping habits to regulate hormone balance

3. Nutrition for healthy sleep

  • Foods that have a positive effect on sleep
  • Creation of individual nutrition plans for better sleep

4. Metabolic activation through exercise

  • The importance of physical activity for a balanced metabolism and good sleep
  • Integration of movement exercises into sleep coaching

5. Case studies and practical applications

  • Analysis of real cases to develop sleep coaching strategies with a nutritional and metabolic focus
  • Practical exercises to integrate what you have learned into your own everyday working life

After completing the training, participants will be able to create tailor-made sleep coaching programs that not only improve sleep, but also positively influence nutrition and metabolism. They discover new ways to expand their expertise and help their clients achieve holistic health!

The training is aimed at health professionals, nutritionists, fitness trainers and anyone interested in understanding the interactions between sleep, nutrition and metabolism.

After successfully completing the training, participants receive a certificate that certifies their expertise in the topics covered in the seminar.

The seminar takes place as an online appointment and lasts a total of 8 hours (including breaks). After booking, participants will receive a digital invitation to the online meeting on the selected seminar date.